12 children volunteered as librarian assistants at the Veliko Turnovo Lyceum - Library, proving that the Bulgarian children are concerned about the written heritage and the new technologies have not entirely replaced the book as a source of knowledge. Mr. Avinoam Katrieli, President of Fondation "I Love Bulgaria", wishes them success in preserving the Bulgarian traditions. Twelve children work daily as assistant librarians at the lyceum library „Nadezhda" in Veliko Tarnovo. All of them are included in the summer activities for kids that the Cultural institution offers. This explains the librarian Bissera Djivoderova for FOCUS Radio - Veliko Tarnovo. The initiative is aimed at children from the 5th to the 8th grade, but the lyceum library is also visited by younger students. Some of them spend the whole day at the library, while others stay only in the afternoon. "Our goal is to teach them how to search, record and discard books, how to work with a catalog.
The children write and arrange the books, put a slip of the new ones. For them it is great entertainment, "explained Bissera Djivoderova. She added that language and literary activities are also held every day, including conversations and readings. She also noted that the activities are completely free of charge and could involve anyone who wanted it. At the end of the course the children will receive a diploma and a book.